Zabloski v. Hall

418 N.W.2d 187 (1988)


M and F have never been married to each other, nor have they ever resided together. Their relationship consisted of a single sexual encounter early in 1983. Their son was born on January 8, 1984. M is 24 years old and lives in Duluth. She also has a minor daughter who was born in June 1985. She and her two children live in a small one-bedroom apartment. M is on welfare. Her monthly income during that time consisted of approximately $437 in A.F.D.C. benefits and an average of $120 in food stamps. Since the birth of her daughter, she has also received $95 per month in child support, an amount which she expects will soon increase to $250 per month. M presented evidence of the needs of her household. She submitted a proposed monthly budget of $3,143, based on the purchase of an $80,000 three-bedroom home, a new car, monthly food expenditures of $400, and monthly spending of $800 for her son (including $ 175 for clothing, $200 for toys/books, $125 for school needs, $53 for musical training/supplies, and $300 monthly toward the purchase of a $9000 piano). F is 40 years old and resides in Millbrook, New York in a three-bedroom home located on 160 acres of land. He is unmarried and has no other children. He is an entertainer whose current net income approximates $1.4 million per year. F described his personal lifestyle as 'frugal' and 'simple.' He indicated that he would want his son Darren to live in a similar manner and to grow up as he did, without expensive music lessons or tutoring. M got custody of the child. F was ordered to pay child support of $1000 per month, to provide health and dental coverage for Darren, and to pay for any uninsured medical or dental expenses. No higher award is provided under statutory child support guidelines. M and the guardian contend the ongoing child support award is unsatisfactory.