Sanjari v. Sanjari

755 N.E.2d 1186 (2001)


H and Alison (W) were married on February 11, 1982. Two children were born of the marriage. On August 9, 1999, W petitioned for dissolution of the marriage. The parties were awarded joint legal custody and joint physical custody of their two children. H was then unemployed. In light of H's temporary unemployment, Alison was ordered to pay certain expenses, for which she would be credited in the final property distribution order. Additionally, w was ordered to pay temporary child support in the amount of $51.00 per week. H and W agreed to a permanent award of joint legal custody and joint physical custody of their children, with each parent having the children in his or her care 50% of each two-week period of time. The trial court ordered that the children remain in public school and allocated no credit to H for tuition payments made to a private school. H was to pay $175.00 and $ 215.00 weekly in child support as H's salary increased. H appealed. H contends that his child support order is erroneous because it incorporates a deviation from the Guidelines for visitation rather than contemplating his status as a custodial parent.