Maryland National Bank Et Al. v. United Jewish Appeal

286 Md. 274, 407 A.2d 1130 (1979)


The United Jewish Appeal (P) received a pledge of $200,000 from Polinger. Polinger made the pledge based on the 'consideration of the obligation incurred based upon' the pledge. Polinger's pledge was not contingent upon other pledges nor were other pledges contingent upon Polinger's pledge. Polinger paid $65,000 on the pledge when he died. P was a charitable organization that made allocations to tax-exempt organizations per the pledges made to it. Those organizations who were to receive P's monies incurred obligations based on P's allocations. Polinger's pledge was earmarked for P's general fund, and no precollection allocations were made by P to any of its beneficiaries. Bank (D) was appointed personal representative on Polinger's death. D refused P's claim for the balance of the pledge. P obtained a summary judgment and D appealed.