Iowa Supreme Court Attorney Disciplinary Board v. Morrison

727 N.W.2d 115 (2007)


In June 2005, D reported to the Iowa Supreme Court Attorney Disciplinary Board ('Board') he 'engaged in a sexual relationship with a female client while representing her in a dissolution proceeding.' D represented the client from October 2004 through February 2005. They had sex on several occasions from November 2004 through March 2005. D did not have a personal relationship with this client prior to November 2004. P filed a complaint against D, and the parties stipulated to the facts. D acknowledged his conduct was unethical. D cooperated with its investigation. The parties also included with the stipulation a private admonition Morrison received from the Board in March 2004. The parties jointly recommend D's conduct warrants suspension of his Iowa law license for sixty days. The Grievance Commission recommends D's license to practice law be suspended for six months and that he enter and complete a counseling program to address his 'boundary issues.' The Iowa Supreme Court made its determination.