Griggs v. Allegheny County

369 U.S. 84 (1962)


Allegheny County (R) owns and maintains the Greater Pittsburgh Airport on land purchased to provide airport and air transport facilities. R qualified for the U.S. government grant program to help acquire land and easements and to abide by Rules and Regulations of the C.A.A. in the development of the master plan for the facility. Griggs' (P) home was just 3,250 feet from the end of the runway. There was a clearance of just 11.36 feet between the bottom of the glide angle and P's chimney. Regulatory flights plans ranging from 30-300 feet over P's residence on take-off were observed and 53 to 153 on letdown. The Board of Viewers appointed to determine if an air easement was warranted found that the occupants of P's house became nervous and distraught from overflights and that there was significant noise and that the residence was not fit for residential use. The appeals judge dissenting below described their plight on page 1106 Casner 4th.