Ford v. Wainwright

477 U.S. 399 (1986)


Ford (D) was convicted of murder in 1974 and sentenced to death. In 1982, D began to exhibit bizarre patterns of behavior. A psychiatrist examined him over an 18-month period and concluded that D suffered from a severe, uncontrollable, mental disease that closely resembled Paranoid Schizophrenia severe enough to substantially affect D's present ability to assist in his defense. Another doctor saw D and concluded that D had no understanding of why he was being executed. That doctor also concluded that there was no reasonable possibility that D was dissembling, malingering, or otherwise putting on a performance. Procedures were instituted to determine the competency of D according to Florida statute 922.07. The three doctors who examined D over a 30-minute period all concluded that he understood the death penalty and why it was being imposed. All three produced different diagnoses during the 30-minute interview. The Governor signed D's death warrant. D sought a writ of habeas corpus.