E.E. v. O.M.G.R.

20 A.3d 1171 (2011)


P is a single woman without a partner who wished to have a child. She did not wish to assume the expense of purchasing sperm through a sperm bank or use a licensed physician in order to affect the insemination. P secured her friend, D., to donate his sperm, which she transported to its intended location with a kitchen turkey baster. Shortly following the child's conception, the parties entered into an agreement dated April 12, 2010, whereby D contracted to surrender and terminate all future rights, and responsibilities to the child and P assumed all financial responsibility for the child. The child, G.J.E., was born. No name was listed on the birth certificate as the child's father. Following the child's birth, the parties again signed a consent order, indicating again that D had surrendered all rights and responsibilities relating to the child and P had assumed full responsibility for the child's health and well-being. The consent order was submitted to the court.