Department Of Social Services v. Father And Mother

366 S.E.2d 40 (1988)


F and M have five children and had trouble with one of them. Their 13-year-old daughter had trouble obeying F and M and would also tell lies to them. She went to a party at the home of a friend and lied about where she had been. F found out about it and beat his child black and blue with a belt. The girl testified that her ears were ringing for about a day after that discipline. M had approved of that discipline. Photographs of the girl showed large purple bruises covering the entire back of her left thigh and part of her right leg extending to the knee. Witnesses flatly stated that the pictures in no way showed how serious the injuries were. DSS got involved, and a guardian ad litem was appointed, and the Court found that the father had abused the girl and the mother had neglected her by failing to intervene and report the incident. F and M appealed.