Committee On Professional Ethics v. Crary

245 N.W.2d 298 (1976)


Crary (D) was an attorney involved in a divorce with his wife who became enamored over Sue Evans Curtis and wife of Maury Wetzel Curtis. Mr. Curtis was having his wife followed by a P.I. Mrs. Curtis was spending time with D and lying to Mr. Curtis but the P.I. had the goods on these adulterers. Mrs. Curtis commenced a suit against Mr. Curtis for divorce and during deposition Mrs. Curtis testified falsely about her illicit encounters with D. D was present and did nothing to correct this false testimony nor did he withdraw from the case or warn Mrs. Curtis that she should lie no further or even inform the other attorney on the case of the perjury or to reveal the true situation to anyone. D was brought before the state bar for his role in the perjured testimony.