Allen v. Farrow

197 A.D.2d 327 (1994)


Allen (P) had an affair with Soon-Yi Previn. It was also alleged that P sexually abused his minor child Dylan. Both parties retained attorneys, and basically a circus was put before the court. P contends that Farrow (D) is engaged in an active campaign to alienate him from his children and to ultimately defeat his legal rights to them. P petitioned the court for custody in order to counteract the terrible impressions of him that were being created by D. P denied abusing Dylan and characterized this as part of D's extreme reaction to her adopted daughter's, Soon Yi, relationship with P. D contends that P has shown on genuine parental interest in the welfare of the children and that the sexual relations with her daughter has had a profound and ill welcome effect on the three minor children at issue. Two of the children were adopted and the son, Satchel was a natural child of both P and D. The rendition in court of the relationship between these two parties plays out like one of P's movies. Eventually, D discovered the infamous pictures that P had taken of Soon Yi, and as listed in the factual rendition, the adoption of P of Dylan and Moses was finalized at this time. P was noted as not viewing his relationship with Soon Yi as harming the other children both adopted and nonadopted. P lost his custody battle, but was granted supervised visitation and appealed.