Alison D. v. Virginia M

572 N.E.2d 27 (1991)


Alison and Virginia were lesbian lovers who decided to have a child. Respondent (R) was artificially inseminated, and a child was born and took R's last name. Both parties shared in the decision, and both parties raised the child and shared birthing expenses and expenses for support. In 1983, the couple decided to go their separate ways when the child was just 2 years and 4 months old. Visitation was agreed upon and the child had emotionally attached to both R and Petitioner (P) and called them mommy. P's visitation continued for the next three years at which time R bought out P's interest in the home and began to restrict visitation. P then moved to Ireland but continued attempts to communicate with the child. R then terminated all contact with P and the child. P sought visitation rights. The Supreme Court dismissed the petition, as P was not a parent. The Appellate Division affirmed.