Ahmad v. Long Island Univ.

18 F.Supp.2d 245 (E.D.N.Y. 1998)


Ahmad (P) sued Long Island Univ. (D) for race and national employment discrimination. P was a Pakistani who since 1992 has been employed as an untenured assistant professor at D. P states that throughout his employment he has never been disciplined and has received compliments from his supervisors and earned an award from students for his excellent teaching. P alleged that in 1993, D hired a white woman to work in a capacity similar to his and she was given preferential treatment over the ensuing years. P was unsuccessful in his tenure applications. D cited insufficient commitment and productivity in the areas of research and publications as the basis for its decision. P contends that this was a pretext as D knew that P was engaged in substantial medical research regarding strokes and that he has presented findings in Prague and those have been published in a journal and that P was published on at least seven other occasions. P states that the white woman was granted tenure in 1998 despite the fact that she had not completed any research of the quality or magnitude of P and that she had less seniority than P. P alleges racial discrimination under Title VII and New York Human Rights Law.