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For the casebooks listed we brief all the cases portrayed in the case book and not the Notes cases.



Save 2-3 Hours Per Day. It’s all about time. If you could save 2-3 hours per day in law school….what is that worth to you? Our casebriefs will save you enormous amounts of time. Read the case in the casebook, read our case brief, modify it to your liking and you are ready for class. Spend your time getting ready for exams and not class.



The law is all technical definitions or what are called prima facie cases. Prima facie cases are the lifeblood of understanding the law. In law school, you must know the prima facie cases in order to ask the right questions to do your issue-spotting on exams. How well you do in law school depends on how well you memorized the law and how many questions you can ask. Our outlines are nothing but prima facie cases ready to memorize.


Exam Writing

Law school exam writing is a skill. You cannot learn a skill 2-3 weeks before an exam. Anyone who tells you differently is simply lying to you. The hard part about exam writing is that the lies and incompetent information being feed to you is overwhelming. We are the only people who understand how to teach you the skill of exam writing. The biggest advantage we have is for you to just trust us for 2 weeks and do what we tell you to do and you will see dramatic results.



Our law school Flash Cards are more difficult to answer because the questions are not leading. With non-leading questions, you can’t guess the right answer unless you know the law. If we ask you what the definition for consideration is; you either know the answer or you don’t. It’s just something you can’t guess. We give you all the definitions and information you need to memorize to get A’s on your law school exams.


Dean's Law Dictionary

In most instances, idiomatic law is the most difficult to learn because it is presented to you in a piecemeal fashion in small bits one case at a time. Open Dean’s and you will get true knowledge at your fingertips. Concepts such as felony murder, proximate cause, nuisance, product liability, conspiracy, attempt, negligence, criminal and civil intents, and 1000’s more are shown to you in all their variations where you can see it all in one place. Amazingly, when you see everything and can study everything all at once you gain true understanding in a lot less time. No wonder the average student who has Dean’s uses it 14.8 times every day.


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Decades of Excellence


My name is Hamid Choughale I bought your program about two years ago and renewed for another year. Unfortunately, when I first bought your material I did not do as instructed. However, this year I started prepping for the FYLX at the beginning of the year and using your techniques I was able to pass. I can attach the BAR results and official paperwork if you don’t post it due to my address and name. I am embarrassed that two exams were sub-par mostly because I freaked out on the race horse part and mostly because my typing speed sucked but over all with the MCQs I got through it. I did notice that my lowest score on the written exam was countered by a very good score on my MCQ so exam writing and knowledge of the subject are not always a correlation. Your concise written structure on exam writing helped immensely

Hamid Choughale 2018
